Within the project, 1.9 million m3 of excavated materials have been be recycled and reused

The project also included a commitment to recycle up to 60% of the total volume of asphalt mix, we have recycled almost 100%

New storm water retention ponds, wildlife crossings and also “zero pesticide commitment” are actually contributing to preserving biodiversity

10 bee hives have been installed along the D4 motorway and are being tended by a professional beekeeper

A special enriched seeds mix with herbs has been sown along the highway to allow insect biodiversity to flourishr


Safety is our utmost priority – the safety of our employees, as well as the safety of the drivers on our D4

VINCI Highways uses its expertise in maintenance and operations to manage the management of the highway. It provides drivers with all the services that serve to improve safety - traffic management through variable message signs, emergency services or 24/7 traffic monitoring

We plan to work with public authorities on safety awareness campaigns


We are using the applied  new technologies to keep traffic moving fluidly

We monitor road conditions to anticipate maintenance needs and to be ready to respond immediately to incidents that occur